
a transdisciplinary languaging for thinking and performing alternatives to beliefs that are literally killing us.  

   One possible Cybernetic model for Generating social Transformations

Three cyberneticians that orient my thinking about thinking, living, being human and generating social transformations without violence, Ernst von Glasersfeld, Herbert Brün, Humberto Maturana.

jude lombardi with Humberto Maturana 2003
Mary Catherine Bateson ASC 2014 at computer

Mary Catherine Bateson, Margaret Mead, Annetta Pedretti

October 12, 2024

Flowing Floating Swimming

Cybernetics, Questions We Ask…

October 6 – 8th 2023

Join us if you dare for intergenerational transdisciplinary conversation related to wicked problems and pandemics.

When is cybernetics?

A cybernetic blog from the past

Traces Leftby Herbert Brün that Orient my Cybernetics (maybe) (2020)

Reflections on Conversations: Cybernetics Society Changing Thinking (2017)
Talking life and the sociological imagination with jude Lombardi (2016?)
Cybernetics, Conversation: Designing Academic Conferences (2015)
Understanding Systems Stratifications that Connect US All?
Paradigms and Recursions that (might) Generate Praxis (2012)
Cybernetics, Escalation and De-escalation Continuum(2000)
Egg, Chicken, Rooster: Designing Triadic Relations (2005)
What’s so radical about Radical Constructivism? (2011)
Hegemony: Myths Lies and False Statements (2008)
Cybernetics and Generating Creativity (2001)
Deinstitutionalization is NOT Enough (1998)
From what to when is NOT violence (1996)
Power of Respondent Continued… (2003)
Designing social Transformation (2007)
Stress Reduction Techniques (2004)
Peace is a need Passions (2007)
When – Peace is a need (2001)
Needs, Wants, Desires (1200?)
Gentrification (k)NOT (2013)